Sunday, May 30, 2010

2 Years Old

Our little Monkey is officially 2 years old today!  I can't believe she is 2.  It doesn't really seem like we have had her in our lives for that long.  I know that in the grand scheme of things 2 years is nothing, but it is a lot for us.  Especially considering there was a time where we might not have made it to this point.  Here is a tiny look back at the past two years.

This was taken right after we got to our room when she was born.  I had a c-section so I was not tired in the least!  So happy to see her finally here.

This is Ember with her Great Grandma at almost 2 months.  This is one of the only pictures I have of them together.  By the time Ember was born Grandma was suffering from the horrible effects of Dementia and Alzheimer's.  She may not have remembered much, but she always asked where Ember was when we went to see her.  She loved Ember so much and I am so happy that they got to meet.  Ember is so much like her Great Grandma that it is a little scary.  RIP Grandma.  We love you.

This is two days after Ember's first surgery. She was just 3 1/2 months old.  Looking back, I now know how yellow she really was.  We were in the hospital for a total of 16 days after that first surgery.  This was taken right after feeding her a measly 2 ounces.  It was one of the few times she didn't throw it back up all over me.
This was taken on 11/18/08.  The hardest day of my life so far.  This was in the waiting room just before handing my baby over to a team of surgeons for her liver transplant.  She was still all smiles even though she hadn't eaten anything for awhile.  She went through a surgery that was about 6 1/2 hours.  That day her life was saved due to someones selfless act.  We love and thank her donor angel every day.

This is one of my most favorite pictures of her.  This is the first time she wore her snowsuit.  We were on our way to a clinic visit and it was extremely cold.  I was excited to get her in it.  She was 6 months old here. Only about 20 days after her transplant.

Skipping ahead just slightly, this picture is another one of my favorites.  This is a few days before she turned 1.  She was sitting at the front door just watching the world go by.

Ember at 16 months playing "Soooo Big".  She was also trying to use the box that is right in front of her to stand on so she could reach the tray of her highchair.

This is just a few days after we brought her little sister home. She is so in love with her.  This was at 17 1/2 months.  She still always wants to hold her.  It is too cute.

This is our little Monkey today.  This was taken just a few days ago.  The dress she is wearing is actually a dress that her Great-Grandma made.  She made it for me when I was Ember's age.  I can't believe that she has come so far.  Today she is a normal, happy, healthy toddler.  To look at her you would never know what she has been through.  Well, aside from when she lifts up her shirt and shows off her zombie fighting scar (at least that is what the huz says he is going to tell her when she gets older). 

Happy Birthday my little Monkey.  I love you so very much.  I am so very happy that you chose us to be your family.  You have changed our lives for the better.  We can't imagine life without you in it.